Terms & Conditions

Welcome to Humpty Holidays!

The following terms and conditions apply to any and all uses of the website for Humpty Holidays, which can be found at https://humptyholidays.com.

If you continue to use this website, we will take it for granted that you accept all of the terms and conditions that are listed here. If you do not agree to all of the terms and conditions indicated on this page, do not continue to use the Humpty Holidays website.

All the following guidelines and norms to our mentioned Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy, along with other disclaimer agreements refers to customers and every indivuadl who surfs on to this website and is compliant to the terms and conditions set forth by the Company. Our company is referred to as "The Company", "Ourselves", "We", "Our", and "Us". The Client and ourselves are both included in the definition of "Party," "Parties," and "Us." All terms refer to the offer, acceptance, and consideration of payment necessary to undertake the process of our assistance to the Client in the most appropriate manner for the express purpose of meeting the Client's needs in respect of provision of the Company's stated online services subject to the prevailing law. We firmly believe that all our terms with reference to the offer, acceptance of the payment needed for the process that also demands our assistance is the most convenient and quick mode. It should be understood that any usage of the terms above in either the singular, plural, capitalised, and/or he/she or they forms refers to the same entity regardless of the context in which the terms are used.


Cookies are utilised in our operation. You have consented to the usage of cookies in accordance with the Privacy Policy of Humpty Holidays because you have accessed the website.

The majority of interactive websites make use of cookies, which enables us to recover the user's information upon each subsequent visit. Cookies are used on this website to improve the user experience by enhancing the functionality of certain areas and facilitating the functionality of other areas. There is a possibility that some of our advertising and affiliate partners also use cookies.


The intellectual property rights for all of the content found on Humpty Holidays are owned by Humpty Holidays and/or its licensors, unless otherwise stated otherwise. We do not give up any of our rights to our intellectual property. You are permitted to view material from Humpty Holidays for your own personal use; but, there are certain limits that are outlined in these terms and conditions.

You must not:

  • Republish content originally published on Humpty Holidays.
  • You may resell, rent, or sublicense material from Humpty Holidays.
  • Produce new copies of existing Humpty Holidays content or recreate existing Humpty Holidays material.
  • Share content that was originally published on Humpty Holidays.
  • This Agreement will start on the date that is written here. The Terms and Conditions
  • Generator was used in order to assist in the creation of our Terms and Conditions.

Users of this website have the chance, in some places of the website, to post and discuss their thoughts and information with other users as well as the website's administrators. Prior to the posting of a Comment on the website, Humpty Holidays does not screen, edit, publish, or evaluate the content of the Comment. The thoughts and opinions expressed in comments do not reflect those of Humpty Holidays, its agents, or any of its affiliates. All the comments and views expressed in the comment section are completely based on the customers personal experience. To the fullest extent permissible by relevant laws, Humpty Holidays shall not be liable for the Comments or for any liabilities, damages, or expenses incurred and/or suffered because of any posting or comments on our website. This exclusion of liability shall apply to the fullest extent permissible by applicable laws.

Humpty Holidays retains the right to monitor the comments posted on its website and remove those that it deems to be in violation of these Terms and Conditions, offensive, or otherwise inappropriate.

You vouch for and guarantee the following:
We allow you to publish the Comments on our website, and you possess all of the required licences and consents to do so; the Comments do not infringe any intellectual property right belonging to a third party, including, but not limited to, copyright, patent, or trademark rights. The Comments do not include any anything that is slanderous, libellous, offensive, indecent, or otherwise illegal in any other way, and they do not invade anyone's privacy in any way. It is not intended that the Comments be used to solicit or promote business or custom, present commercial activities or unlawful conduct, or present any of these in any way. You hereby grant Humpty Holidays a non-exclusive licence to use, reproduce, edit, and authorise others to use, reproduce, and edit any of your Comments in any and all forms, formats, or media. You also grant Humpty Holidays the right to use, reproduce, edit, and authorise others to use, reproduce, and edit any of your Comments.

Including Backlinks to Our Content

Requesting permission is needed. Changes made or seeked without our prior approval or consent will not be entertained.

Other link requests from the following types of organisations may be taken into consideration and granted approval by us:

sources of information that are well-known in the consumer and/or commercial communities; dot-com community sites; associations or other groups that represent charitable organisations; online directory distributors; internet portals; accountancy, law, and consulting businesses; educational institutions and trade associations; and so on and so forth. We will give these organisations permission to link to our website if we come to the conclusion that the following criteria are met:
(a) the link would not cause us to appear unuseful to us or to our accredited businesses;
(b) in any case scenario, the firm does not have any negative records with us;
(c) it benefit to us from the appearance and visibility of the hyperlink compensates for the absence of Humpty Holidays; and
(d) the link is included within the context of general resource information.

These organisations are allowed to link to our homepage provided that the link satisfies the following conditions:
(a) it does not in any way mislead users;
(b) it does not in any false manner imply any endorsement or approval; and
(c)contextually relevancy to the linking party’s website

You are required to contact Humpty Holidays through e-mail in order to express your interest in linking to our website if you belong to one of the organisations mentioned in the second sentence of the previous paragraph. Fill up major details like your name, organisation and the URL of your site. Additionally, please provide a list of the URLs from which you wish to link to our Website as well as a list of the URLs on our site to which you would like to connect. You should expect a response within two to three weeks' time.

The following is the format in which reputable companies are permitted to link to our page: By utilising our company's name; by utilising the uniform resource locator; or by utilising any other description of our website that is comprehensible when placed inside the framework of the website that the linked party maintains. Without the express consent of the owner of the company, no link may ever feature the Humpty Holidays logo or any other artwork associated with the brand.


You are not permitted to create frames around our Web pages in any way that alters the visual presentation or look of our Website in any way without receiving prior approval and authorization in writing to do so from us.

Responsibility for the Content

We do not assume any responsibility for the information that is contained on your website. You guarantee that you will protect and defend us against any claims that may arise as a result of our usage of your website. On any website that could be considered as defamatory, profane, or criminal, or that infringes, otherwise violates, or encourages the infringement or other violation of the rights of third parties, there should not be any links to any other websites.

Keeping of Legal Rights Reserved

We are not obligated to accept any links to our website and retain the right to request that any or all links be deleted. You agree to immediately remove any and all links pointing to our website if we make that request. In addition, we retain the authority to alter both these terms of service and the linking policy associated with it at any moment we see fit. You are agreeing to be bound by these terms and conditions for connecting to our website and to comply with them by continuing to link to our website.

The removal of links from inside our website

You are free to get in touch with us at any time if you see a link on our website that you find offensive for any reason whatsoever. Requests to have links removed will be taken into consideration, but we are under no obligation to comply and will not respond to you directly if you make such a request.

We cannot ensure that the information provided on this website is correct, nor can we guarantee that it is full. Neither of these two things are guaranteed by us. In addition, we do not promise that the website will continue to be accessible or that the content of the website will continue to be updated.


We disclaim any and all representations, warranties, and conditions that are connected to our website and the utilisation of this website to the greatest degree that the law permits us to do so. There is nothing in this document that will

There is nothing in this document that will:
You can limit or exclude our or your liability for death or personal injury; you can limit or exclude our or your liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; you can limit or exclude any of our or your liabilities in a manner that is prohibited by applicable law; you can exclude any of our or your liabilities that cannot be excluded under applicable law; and you can limit or exclude any of our or your liabilities that cannot be limited in accordance with applicable law.
The following liability restrictions of the site and exclusions that are outlined in the mentioned Section and if elsewhere in this disclaimer:
(a) are purely subject to the information that has been mentioned before it; and
(b) in any case refers to any and all liabilities that may arise as a result of the disclaimer, including liabilities that may arise as a result of a breach of contract, tort, or statutory obligation.
We shall not be responsible for any kind of loss or damage that may occur so long as the website and all of the information and services it offers are offered free of charge.

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